To appropriately target systemic barriers that create equity issues in the Ontario school system and bridge the ever-growing gap in specialized education programs using organizational partnerships and community goodwill.
1. We are essentially a pairing service working in Ontario with a purpose to bridge equity gaps in the elementary and secondary school system.
2. We focus on supporting the most marginalized and vulnerable communities.
3. Our goal is to provide access to resouces that help enrich the lives of students.
4. We also provide a ddirect connection to organizations and individuals with smart solutions to alleviate the adverse effects of school board programs that fail in this regard.
In 2018, 99% of elementary and 87% of secondary schools report fundraising for things like charities, bursaries, technology and scholarships .
The lowest 10% of fundraising schools at the elementary level raised only $! for every $49 raised by the top 10 percent.
The top 5% of fundraising high schools raise as much as the bottom 83% put together.
Despite guidelines, 48% of elementary schools reported fundraising for learning resources such as computers or other classroom equiptment in 2017..